「心深连动」基层家庭支援金计划 设过渡性现金援助及配套 

"Heart-to-heart" Grassroots Family Support Fund Provides Financial Aid and Support

Chow Tai Fook Charity Foundation Governors Ms. Leonie Ki Man-Fung (fourth from left) and Mr. Koo Tong-Fat (second from right); Secretary General Ms. Chan Mi-Wa (third from left); Good Impact Assessment Institute Founder and Director Prof. Wong Hung (third from right); Hong Kong Federation of Women's Centres Director Ms. Sisi Liu (second from left); J Life Foundation Founder and CEO Ms. Elli Fu (first from right); Society for Community Organization Deputy Director Ms Sze Lai-Shan (first from left) attended the “Heart-to-heart Grassroots Family Support Fund” Impact Assessment press event.
图片 / 视频提供: Hong Kong Federation of Women's Centres提供
Ms. Chan, a beneficiary of the programme, said that the fund helped her with their family’s childcare needs, enabling her to take time off to work part-time or even full-time while discouraging her from applying for the Comprehensive Social Security Assistance.
图片 / 视频提供: Hong Kong Federation of Women's Centres提供
Chow Tai Fook Charity Foundation Governor Ms. Leonie Ki Man-Fung, said the programme provides transitional cash assistance that adopts the principle of “financial aid come first before employment.” It helps their service targets to meet their childcare needs flexibly. In addition, the employment counselling service empowers them to enter the labour market which helps to alleviate the societal challenges of mismatch where there are "jobs without people" and there are "people unemployed."
图片 / 视频提供: Hong Kong Federation of Women's Centres提供
Good Impact Assessment Institute Founder and Director Prof. Wong Hung said that the programme is more flexible than the funding scheme offered by the government, avoiding the complicated application procedures and allowing the applicants to use the financial aid more flexibly. It can promote the desire to work effectively.
图片 / 视频提供: Hong Kong Federation of Women's Centres提供

The content is available in Chinese only. Please refer to the Chinese version for details.


Launched in 2018, the “Heart-to-heart” Grassroots Family Support Fund aims to encourage self-reliance and support working-poor families, and to alleviate the financial pressure of grassroots families. According to the impact assessment conducted by the Good Impact Assessment Institute, around 70% of the families applying for this support scheme have increased their working hours and income. The programme not only allows grassroots families to flexibly strike a balance between career and family needs, but also avoids the pressure in meeting working hours thresholds for applying the Working Family Allowance, as well as the stigma against them towards receiving Comprehensive Social Security Assistance, thus protecting the dignity of the aided.

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2022年全球捐赠指数显示, 继2018年长达三年录得捐赠减少后, 2021年向慈善机构捐款或协助陌生人的人数创下新高。


